Follow me When Netlflix released Gilmore Girls, my life completely changed. Okay, that might be a little dramatic, but it’s true. Not only have I watched the entire series four times and cried my eyes out while eating junk food…
Friday Flow
Follow me It’s the last Friday in January which means only a couple of weeks away from perfect spring weather and blooms! Lots of good stuff this week, y’all: One | Greek Revival House: This home is everything I’ve ever…
Friday Flow
Follow me Y’all January is flying by! I don’t usually feel that way but this year is different. I can’t believe next week is the last FULL week of the month! Slow down, 2017! One | The Littlest Ginsburg: This…
Friday Flow
Follow me It’s the first Friday of the year and I couldn’t be happier! I feel like the first week always feels so off. Everyone is trying to figure out their routine again, some people are off the first few…
Workouts: Core de Force
Follow me Today I am introducing a new workout focused series to the blog. Over the last 17 months, I’ve been working to establish a fitness routine. It hasn’t always been perfect, but it has taught me to value progress…
Hustle: 2017
Follow me Happy New year, friends! I hope each of you have started running after your goals and dreams for a strong 2017. Several months ago, I started planning for this year. I evaluated where I was around labor day…
Christmas Cards 2016
Follow me Christmas cards are my absolute favorite. I love plotting photo ideas, outfits, card design and even stamps. Elliott and I started sending Christmas cards pretty early on in our relationship so even though this is our first “married”…
Pumpkin Pie for the Non-Eater
Follow me One of my favorite things about Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie. I don’t know why I don’t enjoy it more than…
It’s Been a Long, Long Time
Follow me As the great Louis Armstrong says, it’s been a long long, time – since I’ve shared on the blog. Just a few weeks shy of two years, actually. It doesn’t feel that long. It is funny how they…
Our Engagement Story
Follow me Happy New Year, friends! I hope you all had a great few weeks of holiday celebrations. As I slowly transition back into blogging, I wanted to share with you how I spent my holiday. Let’s just say it was somewhere…