Follow me We made it, friends. It’s Friday finally and I couldn’t be more excited. I don’t know about you, but I’m still finding it hard to grasp the fact that it’s OCTOBER! How did we get so far into…
Right on Target
Follow me It comes as no surprise to me, but Target is killing it right now. Let this serve as a warning if you plan to go soon, damage to your bank account could potentially occur. Here are some of…
Stop and Smell the Roses
Follow me Do you ever get caught up in everything you have going on that you forget to take time for yourself? Last week was one of those weeks. After long hours putting on events for work and stressing over…
Smile, Sequins Champagne
Follow me Happy hump day, lovelies. Today is crazy busy as I am running around putting last-minute touches on my big work event for tomorrow. In the midst of all the craziness the last few weeks, I didn’t plan anything…
How to Be in the Know For the Breaking Bad Finale
Follow me I’ve been watching Breaking Bad since season 2….or 3. I can’t really remember. It was early on for sure. I have to tell you I’m a little surprised how much I like this show. Violence, poor morals and…
Emmy Fashion Favorites
Follow me I hate that I missed out on the Emmys last night. I was watching Breaking Bad instead. As soon as it was over I raced onto my computer to checkout the evening’s best dressed. While fashion is a…
Trust the Lord
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Hello! Friday
Follow me Friday….we made it! Thank heavens. This week has been exhausting so the weekend is welcomed and deserved. It’s time to link up again for Five on Friday with the girls . I missed last week and the opportunity to…
iOS7 Tips and Tricks
Follow me Happy Thursday, friends! It sounds like everyone has been busy updating their iPhone and getting use to the new software. I’ve seen lots of Twitter conversations with people asking how to do certain things on iOS7. I found…
Spaghetti Squash Primavera
Follow me After a long exhausting day of being out on the golf course for work, having dinner out was exactly what I needed. While I thought I would make a poor decision and probably get a burger or something…