Follow me I know it’s a few weeks late, but I am terrible about dumping my camera card onto the computer. I finally got around to it over the weekend and wanted to share a few of the photos from…
Clarification, please! Argan vs. Moroccan vs. Keratin
Follow me If you’re anything like me, you’re definitely in tune to what’s new in the beauty department. While I usually do research to figure out “what’s up,” I really hate having to dig deep to get in the know….
Sunday Reminder:
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Terror Twelve Years Later
Follow me Twelve years ago I was sitting in Mr. Ekbundit’s chemistry class. I was a junior in high school and knew what I was watching on television would forever change the heart and soul of America. When tragedies occur…
Bring Me Boden
Follow me Thanks to Kate at Nautical by Nature, I have a new obsession: Boden. Everything about this brand is perfection. From classy cuts to timeless fabrics and colors, I would like one of everything in the women’s category….or at…
Fall Bucket List
Follow me While the temperatures in Charleston aren’t getting any cooler, Starbucks has convinced everyone fall is here and we mustn’t miss out. I’m yearning to breathe in the crisp, fresh air the change in season brings, but while I…
Ask, Seek Knock
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Five on Friday Frenzy
Follow me Thank heavens it’s Friday! I don’t know what it is, but holiday weeks always throw me off. They seem to leave me craving more of “the good stuff!” You know, family time, friends, good food and simply enough…
Office Inspiration
Follow me While I don’t have a home office (yet), my mind has been dreamin’ up lots of possibilities for when I find a more permanent place here in Charleston. I have been longing for comfort, sophistication and a little…
Wednesday Wiggles
Follow me Happy Wednesday, y’all! I thought I’d start your hump day off by sharing an absolute display of pure cuteness. Well wishes for a great rest of the day!