Follow me Happy holiday weekend, friends! I hope you’re squeezing in every ounce of white before Monday. I know I am! I’m linking up with A. Liz Adventures, Carolina Charm, Hello! Happiness and The Good Life Blog again for 5…
Game Day Outfits: FSU
Follow me Happy first day of college football, y’all! It seems like the air has been full of spirit today as we kickoff (no pun intended…okay maybe a little intention) a season full of tailgates, competition and of course, fashion!…
101 in 1001
Follow me If you follow Mackenzie’s blog, Design Darling, you’re probably familiar with 101 in 1001. If not, basically what this little phrase means is “101 things” you want to do “in 1001 days.” Simple, right?! These “things” can range from…
Starbucks Mystery Menu
Follow me I’m a big advocate for eating and drinking local. My radar is always open to hearing about new places to check out. The problem is, I’ve had a real lack of local coffee options since arriving in Charleston….
Sunday Reminder
Follow me Thanks to Aubrey at The Kinch Life for creating such a lovely prayer card freebie! I printed this out and pinned up in my cubicle earlier this week. Download here. Hope y’all are having a FABULOUS weekend!
Five on Friday Fun
Follow me Today I’m joining in on the Five on Friday series with some of my favorite bloggers from around the web. Here’s what’s on my mind this week: I’ve decided to join in on Mackenzie’s fun and create my…
Lady Lessons from Hello! Happiness
Follow me Well, hello there yall! I am so happy to be guest posting here today…when Cambron asked me to be a participaint in her Southern Sophisticate Series, I happily obliged. I love anything and everything pertaining to the southern…
Southern Sophisticate: Meet Allie
Follow me Today I have the pleasure of introducing you to one of my FAVORITE southern bloggers. Allie at Sundresses and Smiles is smart, sweet and I’m convinced would be my best friend if we lived closer. I’m thrilled to…
Southern Selections
Follow me To kickoff the new Southern Sophisticate look, I want to introduce my new feature, Southern Selections. While everything I post might not be pertain to the South, I thought it would be fun to poll friends who cross…
Back to Blogging…and School?
Follow me Hello, friends! I hope you’re enjoying the change in destination and the look of the new site. You may have noticed the switch from Southern Sophisticate to THE Southern Sophisticate. Custom domains can be a tricky thing I tell ya!…