Follow me There are 37 days until Christmas. That’s five Saturdays. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been making a list of perfect gifts for everyone you love…including yourself. That being said, paychecks don’t grow to accommodate said list during…
Thirty for Thirty
Follow me Today marks the celebration of my 30th birthday. It’s crazy- I feel so young still, but apparently I’m more of a grown up (age wise) than it seems. In honor of this special occasion I thought I’d share…
New on Netflix- You Will Want to Read This
Follow me Y’all, I nearly died when I was scrolling through Netflix this weekend and saw some of my FAVORITE time-wasting shows have been added. As if birthday month could get any better, I present to you: and of course…
Sally Hansen Miracle Gel
Follow me The last few months I’ve seen the Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Nail Polish in the drug store but haven’t caught the topcoat in stock. Last week, my Mom sent me a bottle of the topcoat and nail color…
OKL Perfection
Follow me If you aren’t a member of One Kings Lane, click here and hop on over NOW. The site is totally killing it today with events featuring items to beautify your workspace to the most gorgeous beds and headboards…
Sunday Reminder
Follow me Waking up today, I opened my laptop and started reading the headlines. Per my usual routine, I moved on to my inbox and saw the weekend sale alerts and started perusing all the pretties I would love to…
Follow me It’s a big weekend for Florida State football, y’all! I’m looking forward to watching the game tomorrow and seeing how we fare against the Tigers. Like other FSU fans, I’m disappointed we’re playing without Jameis Winston the first…
Drink of Choice
Follow me I like to say I’m a morning person in that I wake up and make coffee. It’s absolutely necessary. At home, I have a five cup coffee pot since I’m the only one who drinks it. I usually…
On My Radar
Follow me Tuesday seems like an odd day to share thing’s I’m loving, but I guess it’s as good a day as any. Here we go: Oscar De la Renta Spring ’15. As often as I say it, I’m literally…
Working 9 to 5
Follow me You might have noticed in my last post… (two busy weeks ago), I put my notice in at work. The time leading up to my last day, last Thursday, has been ridiculously crazy. Between finishing up a major…