As the great Louis Armstrong says, it’s been a long long, time – since I’ve shared on the blog. Just a few weeks shy of two years, actually. It doesn’t feel that long. It is funny how they say time goes faster as you get older. Boy is it true -especially when your calendar is always busy. I last posted January 5, 2015 and since then, a lot has happened. Instead of boring you with details in the form of paragraphs, I ‘ll give you a bullet list and a promise of future blog posts on some of the topics. As I continue to write in the future, I won’t promise I’ll post everyday or even every week, but what I can do is promise to share things in life I am truly interested in or think you might enjoy. One thing I’ve learned about “blogging” is that it has created an amazing circle of people to connect and share with and I want to continue to engage in that circle for as long as I can.
Well, here it is folks- what I’ve been up to the last (almost) two years:
- Traveled to see my Sister and her kiddos in Washington
- Completed BBG1 and BBG2
- Completed two rounds of 21 Day Fix Extreme for Beach Body
- Completed two rounds of Insanity Max 30 from Beach Body
- Planned my wedding
- Had an amazing bachelorette party in Nashville
- Got married
- Honeymooned in Northern California
- Went to a Macaron making class
- Finally read Harry Potter
- Watched Gilmore Girls (almost – still in progress) four times through
- Got serious about my skincare
- Watched my sister-in-law get engaged in DC
- Celebrated the building of my in-laws mountain cabin outside of Asheville
- Met new “blog” friends
- Hosted two of my best friends here in Charleston
- Fell even more in love with my city
Yay so glad to see you back on the blog! That is quite a list my friend, excited to see more coming from your space on the internet! 🙂
Erin, Attention to Darling