Follow me Forty years ago, on a warm April day, Charleston began the great tradition that is the Cooper River Bridge Run. Each year, thousands of area residents and avid runners from around the country gather in Mount Pleasant for…
Engagement Pictures with JoPhoto Part I
Follow me This weekend, Elliott and I celebrated our one year wedding anniversary. I really can’t believe it went so fast! Of course, we spent the weekend reminiscing, eating cake and watching part of our wedding video, but after indulging…
2017 Festival of Houses and Gardens
Follow me Charleston’s strongest asset, aside from the people who breathe life into our wonderful city, are the historical buildings and gardens that make up the peninsula. Often times, locals and visitors alike are left wondering how to linger longer…
The South’s Best City 2017
Follow me This week, our friends at Southern Living Magazine labeled Charleston as The South’s Best City. We love the recognition and accolades, but for those of us who live in Charleston, it comes as no surprise. Whether you have…
Friday Flow
Follow me The color in Charleston right now is incredible! Azaleas are in full bloom and wisteria is dazzling the tree tops. It’s just gorgeous. I snapped this photo out on Daniel Island yesterday and still can’t believe how vibrant everything…
Early Spring Graces Charleston
Follow me The first two months of 2017 felt more like spring than winter. With January and February bringing 63 and 67 degree average temperatures respectively, gardens of the city are already full of color. Charleston’s signature azaleas are blooming…