Hoppy Easter, y’all! Linking up with {av} again for Friday Fancies. If you haven’t participated, I recommend linking up. It is soo much fun and half way addicting. What’s not to love about creating a dream outfit! This week I put together an Easter weekend look. Daffodils were my Papaw’s favorite flowers, so this one’s for him! If you look closely, you’ll notice I have two handbags. I couldn’t choose, but because this is Friday Fancies, I picked both! Don’t you just LOVE the Tory Burch bag?
love the bright yellow! have a great weekend
xoxo jcd:: cornflake dreams
Green and Yellow are a great Easter color combo!!! Stunning!!
Love this look! and half way addicting may be an understatement… I started working on polyvore last night at like 7:00 and the next thing I know it’s 9:00..and I only had like 3 pieces in my look, haha
Love it! The Tory Burch bag is my favorite, and love how the daffodils honor your Papaw. My Grandpa died 2 and a half years ago and this year Easter falls on his birthday, so it will be an interesting day for my family! I’m hoping we’ll be able to honor his life and not get too upset.
Love the yellow and green! The Tory Burch bag is mouth-watering!
I clearly loved that green in my Friday’s Fancies post last week–and I adore it paired with that bright fun yellow! So so excited to see what you picked for your Royal Wedding FF…your posts always make me smile
happy almost Friday! xoxo {av}