Written on 2-5-10
Well friends, today is my last day on the job at Music City Legal! I have enjoyed a wonderful year and a half here and worked with the absolute best people. I have grown to appreciate the work family I was given and really understand the statement that some people come in to your life for a reason. I could not have had a better boss to help me during my time in grad school and learning about what it means to be on your own. He has been flexible and understanding, humorous and helpful in every single way. I will always consider him my FAVORITE bossman. I was also granted the pleasure of working with the most wonderful coworkers. Suzy Matthews has become the older sister I always wanted. She is a friend that I cannot say enough wonderful things about. All I can say is that anyone that has the opportunity to be a part of this gal’s life will be blessed for YEARS to COME!
I guess I forgot to mention the reason I will be leaving. I have been lucky enough to find a new job in the area that I went to graduate school for. As you know, I got my masters in Sport Administration. After graduating in December, I knew I wanted to stay in the Nashville area but was concerned with the jobs that would be available for me to apply for. I got VERY LUCKY and got a job at the Nashville Super Speedway. I will be working in operations and will have a great opportunity to learn a lot! By no means do I intend to have a career working in NASCAR, or even like it for that matter, but I do know that the skills I can gain from this job are invaluable. On another note, I promised to tell you how everything went in Asheville this weekend. E and I made it out of Nashville just in time to avoid the ice/snow. We had a clear drive to North Carolina and enjoyed our detour of winding mountain roads and flowing streams. Half an hour after we got to Asheville the snow caught up to us…Within an hour, we had a “SITUATION,” on our hands.
As you can see the visibility at the hotel, looking toward the mountains is not good. Our first night there we attended a jazz concert. The next day we enjoyed a full day at the day spa. I wish I had pictures to share from this, but unfortunately, cameras were not allowed. At one point during the day, E and I were enjoying a nice snowy view of the mountains in the outdoor hot tub when the snow returned and began falling while we were enjoying the warm water. We even had a little fun and braved the ice/snow covered lounge chairs and accepted the challenge of laying on them in our swim suits. It really wasn’t as cold as I thought it would be. It definitely got a lot of laughs and comments from the other hot tub guests. After a relaxing day at the spa we got dressed up and had a delicious dinner at the hotel and enjoyed another great Jazz performance by David Sanborn and John and Bucky Pizzarelli. 
On our final morning we were able to enjoy a great breakfast with E’s family and take pictures before we came back to Tennessee. One thing I learned while enjoying breakfast at the Grove Park Inn was that Tabasco in omelets is absolutely fantastic. If you have never tried it, I encourage you to do so! This weekend could not have gone better. I really enjoyed getting to know E’s family and take in the amazing sights, sounds and tastes of the Grove Park Inn. After this weekend my heart is full of even more 
I would like to take the time to tell LESLIE NOWLIN Happy Birthday! I am excited to celebrate the big 2-5 with her this weekend! I am looking forward to seeing all the gals and get crazy for this special occasion.
Super Bowl is Sunday (obviously) who do you think will win? I am a Colts fan so I will be there decked out in blue. I am going to keep my fingers crossed for a good game, but with Peyton in the house I am not so sure that will be the case! One thing is for sure, the commercials should be good..oh, and Carrie Underwood is singing the Anthem..what better way to start off the game?! Love her.
Well, unitl next time, may your weekend be filled with MAGNOLIAS, BOURBON and ENDLESS JOY!
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