Follow me I CANNOT believe there are only two (and a half) days until CHRISTmas! How have I gotten SO far behind on my to do list? I am leaving to go home tomorrow after work and I still…
By Golly, Be Jolly!
Follow me It’s time! The Big CHRISTMAS card reveal! This was the first year sweet E and I decided to send out cards together. I wanted to make sure our cards weren’t too serious and displayed both of our playful…
Work “Holiday” Christmas Party!
Follow me Saturday evening was my work Holiday, CHRISTmas party! It was the first time I’ve ever had a big affair to go to, and quite the affair it was! Our party was at the Noah Liff Opera Center in…
Wreck of a Weekend
Follow me This weekend was literally a wreck. Yesterday, Sweet E and I were on our way to meet my parents at Loveless Cafe for breakfast when our plans were halted due to this: Thank goodness, we weren’t hurt, but we…
Merry & Bright! Friday Fancies!
Follow me With holiday parties in full force, this week’s Friday Fancies theme is overly appropriate: Sparkle and Shine! I didn’t have to think twice about my collection this week. I’ve been lusting over this dress for DAYS-wishing I could wear…
Follow me Up until this year, I’ve never been a big “cosmetics” or “skin” girl. I hate to admit it, but I rarely washed my makeup off at night. While I didn’t have horrible skin problems, I knew I needed…
Dear Santa, I’ve Been VERY Good!
Follow me It’s hard to believe Christmas is 10 short days away! I have to admit, I haven’t even started shopping. This actually makes me sad because I LOVE wrapping presents (now that I’ve mastered my skill). No worries. I…
Tasty Tuesday
Follow me I finally have a reason to follow in Fried Green Pickles footsteps and post a “Tasty Tuesday” recipe. This weekend I was lucky enough to stumble upon two delicious recipes from Pinterest. Saturday evening I made Spinach Artichoke…
The Stage has Been Set…
Follow me Another year of hard work, dedication, sweat, blood, tears, wins, losses and many great tailgates is coming to an end. In one short month, we’ll all be gearing up to put on our black and mourn the loss…
Black Friday: Wheels Up
Follow me Hello, friends! Hope you all had a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! For those of you Black Friday shopping, I’m keeping my fingers crossed you all get what you were looking for. This morning, I am putting in a few necessary…