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Arianna Huffington at Smith College
Follow me Hello, lovely friends! I have lots to update on from the last month, but until I get it together, enjoy this fabulous graduation commencement address from Arianna Huffington given at Smith College last month. I’ve really been enjoying…
Sassy Belles
Follow me Upon hearing of the soon to be released “Sassy Belles” book, I was immediately intrigued by what the pages between the title had to offer. I am, after all, a belle myself. While the scent of magnolia made…
Treat Yo’self
Follow me There’s nothing like opening your inbox and finding a “Treat” inside. A few weeks ago, I was introduced to a new online greeting card brand called Treat. Being the snail mail obsessed gal that I am, I couldn’t…
The Silks of 139
Follow me Happy Derby weekend, y’all! I know the sun is shining brightly on my “Old Kentucky Home” this weekend! I wish I could be there but am spending a fabulous weekend in Carillon Beach, Florida for my dear friend’s…
App-solutely Necessary
Follow me If you’re an SNL fan, you’re no stranger to “Drunk Uncle.” One of my favorite Drunk Uncle skits involves a rant about technology today: Saturday Night Live _ Drunk Uncle On Update… Hysterical! While Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr…
A Sight to See
Follow me Hello, friends! I hope y’all had a nice weekend! I started my new job this past week and after a relaxing weekend am finally getting settled in the low country Now that normalcy has been restored, I thought I…
My Music City Song
Follow me Nashville has been good to me. Nearly five years ago, I moved here for the journey that was grad school and ended up filling the pages of my life story with more adventures than any girl could dream….
Holy Moly, I’m Moving…
Follow me to the Holy City! In eight short days, I’ll leave my beloved Nashville and embark on this new journey. I promise to provide more details in the coming weeks, but in the meantime, please send prayers and thoughts…
Project Wedding
Follow me This weekend I had the honor and pleasure of attending my lovely friend and Kappa Delta sister, Laura Kathleen‘s, nuptials in St Louis. You can see my previous post about Laura here. Laura and her fiancee, husband, are…